2015 is our fifteenth year for an animated Christmas display. This year there were a number of changes. The biggest was the addtion of the 18ftx8ft pixal gridon the house this grid has 4876 indivually controlled RGB Pixals. In addition we doubled the with of the more dense pixal grid below the clock. Finally, the yard is now covered with 44 Coro stars that are individually controlled by RGB modules to be any color.
Behind the scenes, the programing was greatly updated to support the additional pixals and allow the different elements (stars, bushes, and grid) to remain syncronized. This year we are leverage 6 LOR (Light-o-Rama) boards to control the bushes and the snowmen, 2 Alpha Pix controllers for the large Grid and to convert E1.31 to DMX, multiple DMX based controllers for the stars in the yard and RGB floods shining up on th house and a PixLite 4 board to control the Grid below the clock as well as provide DMX signal for the clock itself.
For the last 10 years or so, number of neighbors have
braved the cold to watch the clock hit mid-night and welcome Christmas.
This year, we had over 35 neighbors came and watch the clock hit zero. Hopefully you'll join us next year!
~13,000 lights + over 5,000 RGB lights (Pixels + nodes)
40 LOR Circuits
too much electrical and control Wire to count
Source Code
All of the source code used in the display is licensed under the GPLv3 and published on